Смотка в бухты сезней
Взято из "Ashley book of knots", раздел "Practical marlingspike seamanship". Нумерация вариантов также из этой книги. Предлагается английский вариант с кратким переводом Богатова Владимира (благодарим за предоставленные для muzel.ru материалы!). Для дословного перевода нужен человек, хорошо знающий морскую терминологию. Если можете перевести более подробно - пишите через Контакты.
To coil sea gaskets or furling lines. Furling lines were used in the Marine after about 1850 and in the Navy probably not earlier than 1875. Previous to these dates sea gaskets had been made of Flat Sinnets and barbor gaskets of French Sinnet. When in use they were seized or bent to the yard or jackstay with a Running Eye. They were used, when furling, to lash the sail to the yard. When not in use they were coiled as pictured and brought over the top of the yard to hang down in front of the sail.
After a coil had been made, four or five frapping turns were taken near the head of the coil with the standing part of the line and then a bight of the standing part was thrust through the head of the coil above the turns and looped back over the head of the coil, where it was jammed down close to the frapping turns and was worked snug.
Вариант «смотки» в бухты сезней или furling lines. Если сезни не использовались, они были смотаны, как показано на рисунках и вывешивались перед парусом.
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